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  • in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3612

    Thanks, Wanner!

    Chest 1/7/19

    Battle of the presses
    Felt strong, but reps just didn’t have the power I wanted in them
    Even though I “felt” strong, it was almost like weights felt “too heavy”, get in my set and they were just pushing through molasses
    Press on!

    Slight incline smith press
    “225” x 5 last one forced
    “195” x 7 last one forced

    Incline DB press
    Shot myself in the foot here on the first set lol
    80’s x 4
    70’s x 6
    60’s x 8

    Seated cable fly
    Set one : 13 reps
    Set Two: same weight x 9 + two drops

    Wide grip dips – almost press
    Set one: 6 reps
    Set Two: same weight x 5 reps + single drop

    Seated machine lateral raise
    3 sets same weight 20-12 reps

    Seated cable shoulder press
    2 sets same weight x 12-9 reps

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3598

    As you all may have picked up on by now, I replaced my usual ham day yesterday with delts because today I had the opportunity to train legs with Joe Bennett and Terrance Ruffin

    It was an honor and we had a blast

    Forgive me on not knowing reps of everything, I just followed Joes lead

    If more insight into the session as far as execution is wanted, then I will provide that!

    Working sets listed only, but a lot of slow warm ups were done prior to each

    Seated hamstring curl
    2 sets 11-6 rep range w/ forced reps

    Barbell front squat
    225 x 7

    Lying leg curl
    3 working sets 6-10 rep range w/ forced reps

    Barbell walking lunges
    2 working sets

    Hack squat
    5pps x 11
    4pps x 13

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3579

    Delts 1/4/19

    Hammer strength “behind the neck” press
    2pps x 7, almost 8

    Hammer strength “military front press”
    2pps x 6
    1 p + 25 ps x 8 + 3 top partials

    Seated DB lateral raise
    2 sets with 20’s x 14-11 + bottom partials

    Smith machine upright row
    “135” x 7
    “95” x 16

    Bent over cable rear delt fly from low pulleys
    2 sets 17-12 reps
    Second set single drop set

    Seated DB press
    I’ve never done these last but just got the urge. A good set for me as a first movement is 70’s x 6-8
    Today as the final movement was 60’s x 6

    Standing ez bar front raise
    1 set w/ 40# as many strict reps as I could get (don’t remember count)

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3567

    I prefer to keep them split!
    I’d rather have higher effort and more recovery with each having their own day, vs maybe sacrificing either effort for one OR recovery within a week just to spread volume over the week.

    Just think, if I do 6 sets of hams, 6 sets of quads once per week on their own day, OR 3 sets of hams 3 sets of quads 2x/ week together
    Which do you think would produce more output of effort within a given day and recovery within a given week?

    And volume just ends up being the same for the total week but maybe I can’t give full effort to a main movement for hams if My body is spent from a full effort set of quads if on the same day
    I’d rather go all out on quads, recover, go all out on hams, recover, repeat

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3559

    I thought this would be something different to share.
    Pics with the purple turf are yesterday

    The current phase has been nothing but food and training, and treating every day just as you should treat a prep, but with a non fat loss focus

    The comparison photo is April 25 2017
    14 weeks out of Tampa Pro
    We started that prep at 20 weeks out
    Today in our current off season phase
    They are both the same weight

    I’m sharing this just to show a little more insight and transparency within the process

    After Tampa Pro 2017, I have not had an “off season” phase longer than 8 weeks as I prepped for the Arnold, and then the Olympia

    This year I could have done the same and prepped for the Arnold, however we wanted to utilize that time to make the improvements we want to make before the Olympia rolls around again

    Our primary focus is growing my legs
    I really need to fill the gap between my legs and not have narrow quads in my front double, along with my quad sweep carrying up higher closer to my hip
    And that just is not going to come during a prep
    There are other things I want to improve, but that is the main

    It may seem drastic or obsessed to some, but I treat every single day as this is my job and mission. I love my job, but I have duties for myself to fulfill and I go to work every day seeking those.

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    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3554

    Julie – That is awesome, thank you very much! Let me know if you have any questions along the way!

    Brian – Thank you, and I sure do! I hope you are well!

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3541

    Back 1/2/19

    This was my week for T Bar row to be back in rotation for my main row movement (not a huge deal, i just have a personal system I like to follow lol), but the gym is renovating and the entire rack and T Bar row set up was gone. Bummer.

    Good day though.

    Wide Grip Lat Pull Down

    -Remain as upright as possible. HARD contractions, controlled eccentric, pause at stretch but no releasing tension-

    Set one: 140 x 11 + stretch partials

    Set two 140 x 7, drop to 100 x cant remember reps + stretch partials

    Reverse Grip EZ Bar Row

    -Rowing back to waist. Hard contraction, controlled eccentric, slight pause at stretch to not use momentum to drive weight

    Set one: 4 25’s ps x 9

    Set two: same weight x 7

    T Bar Row Machine

    Honestly not particularly fond of this set up, but they were good reps and got the job done.

    -Aiming to keep upper body as close to parallel to floor as possible. Rowing to lower ribs. Controlled reps, hard contractions-

    Set one: 5 25’s x 8.5

    Set two: same weight x 6, strip two plates, dead stop reps x 5

    Single Arm DB Row

    -Hips square, upper body parallel to floor, no momentum/twisting/jerking-

    Set one: Dead stop reps, driving weight “up” and controlling down 105 x 7

    Set two: More of a “swing row” here, letting DB drift out in front of me and rowing it “back” to waist, controlling the weight through my lats/low lats entire ROM 105 x 8

    Close Neutral Grip Pull Down – Staying upright, pulling down to chest, hard contractions, controlled eccentrics, pause at stretch


    Cable EZ Bar Pullover – Upper body parallel to floor, hard contractions, controlled eccentrics, good stretch

    1 round 12ish reps each

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3525

    I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year!

    Chest 1/1/19

    A lot of people actually requested a full chest training video in my last instagram poll, so I recorded this session in full to make it such!

    Will go into further detail on there as far as execution goes.

    Incline Smith Press

    Set one: “205” x 6

    Set two: “185” x 6, 2, 1 “rest pause” set

    DB Floor Press

    Set one: 80’s x 5

    Set two: 70’s x 8 / almost 9

    Incline DB Fly

    Set one: 55’s x 6

    Set two: 40’s x 7

    Pin Loaded Dip Machine

    One set: 11 reps

    Into – Seated Cable Fly

    One set: 6 reps, drop x 8, drop x contraction partials x 9 + stretch

    Reverse thumbless grip ex bar curl

    One set: 50 x 9 x wrap thumbs x 3

    DB Hammer curl

    Set one: 30’s to strict failure + failure with a little momentum for a few more

    Set two: rack run/drop 30’s, 25’s, 20’s, 15’s

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3517

    Quads 12/31

    Good day today as far as movements go, I was happy with how everything went. If I had a particular critique, it would be that my pump wasn’t quite as strong as I tend to have, but I am currently on antibiotics so assuming that may play a role. Overall a good and successful day.

    Hack Squat

    One set: 11 total plates x 10

    Didn’t feel the need for a back down set today. That was the most reps i’ve gotten with that weight in the past 4 weeks or so, previous best was 11 at my strongest so I counted this as a good day because the past few weeks have really been a fight on strength.


    Barbell Front Squat

    Set One: 225 x 8

    Set Two: 185 x 9 longer pause in hole

    Honestly not even sure how long its been since doing these free weight. I stick to the smith but it was taken. I was pretty pleased with these and how they felt, I know they’d make good improvements from this if kept in consistently. I did lose my balance on the 5th or 6th rep of the first set that threw me off a bit and why I think I prefer smith to keep full focus on quads the entire time. But nonetheless I was happy with these today.


    Leg Press

    Lower and closer stance than what I do for Hams, piston style reps, keeping tension on quads throughout entire ROM, and no pauses or locking out until quads fail and I had to rack

    Set one: 5 pps x 15, rack, then did two more attempts but cant recall reps

    Set two: 4 pps x straight set, sorry again I cant recall amount of reps


    Leg Ext – Pause at contraction, controlled eccentric, pause at bottom whilst maintaining tension, explosive concentric

    Set one: straight set x 9 + bottom partials

    Set two: same weight as set one and did a double drop


    DB Bulgarian split squat – Holding DB in opposite hand of leg being worked – constant tension on quad throughout

    Set one : 40 x 14

    Set two: 40, drop to 25, drop to body weight

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3504

    Delts w/ arms 12/29

    Not so typical structure of training for me but needed to pair arms with delts today instead of separate tomorrow

    Seated smith press
    “185” x 5, rack, 1, rack, 1
    “155” longer pause at chin x 8.5, rack, 3, rack, 1 + bottom “partials”

    Single arm seated DB press
    60x 8

    Standing DB lateral raises
    Straight sets of 12 increasing weight until I got to 30’s x 10, drop to 20’s, drop to 15’s

    Close grip smith press (triceps)
    3 25’s per side x 5, drop to 2 25’s per side to extend set
    Then dropped to 1 per side and slid forward making it a skull crusher/extension

    Seated single arm overhead DB ext
    20’s x 8, 7, 6

    V bar press down into ext
    2 rounds 12-10 each

    Rope hammer curl
    Sets of 12 increasing weight until I couldn’t get 12

    EZ bar bicep curl
    70 x 8
    Reverse grip 50 x can’t remember

    Tri Set
    Bent over cable rear delt fly
    Lying cable upright row
    Cable front raise
    2 rounds 15-12

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3502

    Diet update Dec 29, 2018

    AM shake:
    Nutridyn greens
    Natural calm

    Nutridyn greens before meal 5 also

    Off days I remove pre/intra powders
    And change pre training meal to chicken and rice

    Meal One:
    55-60g carbs (English muffins/ bagel/ toast)
    12g pb2
    50g banana
    1 whole egg
    150g egg whites
    80g chicken
    Peppers & onions
    3g fish oil
    ( off season I like to have califia farms almond milk mocha creamer in my coffee)

    Meal Two – Pre Training
    60g carbs from cereal or cream of rice
    50g Banana
    30g whey iso

    Leg days
    75g carbs from cereal
    50g banana
    30g whey iso

    Meal Three
    180g jasmine rice
    112g lean beef
    3g fish oil

    Leg days
    210g jasmine rice

    Meal Four:
    180g jasmine rice OR 250g any potato cooked
    112g chicken
    Green beans

    Meal Five:
    1 food for life brown rice tortilla or equal amount carbs via rice
    112g lean poultry
    (Sometimes I do oats and whey)

    Meal six:
    200g organic plain non fat Greek yogurt
    20g whey iso
    150g any fruit
    12g pb2
    16g almond butter
    3g fish oil

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3492

    Hams 12/28

    Lying leg curl
    Controlled eccentrics
    Dead stop at stretch
    “Explosive” concentric
    Hard contractions

    Set 1: 9 full reps
    Set 2: rest pause set with same weight on initial attempt and reduced weight on 2nd & 3rd attempt x 7, 7, 8

    High wide leg press
    Controlled eccentric sinking as deep as I could keeping hard tension on adductors

    Set 1: 15 total plates x 8
    Set 2: reduced weight by 3 total plates and longer pause in hole x 13

    RDL on plate loaded hammer strength squat/lunge machine
    Really aim to move weight with hams only and push through with hips contracting glutes hard at the top

    Set 1: 3pps x 8
    Set 2: dead stop reps still keeping tension on hams and hard glute contraction at top
    2pps x 8

    Wide stance barbell squat
    No pre intention of doing these. Just went with the flow
    Not impressive numbers to me, but made these hard as heck and adductors felt like they were going to rip
    Controlled eccentric, pause in hole, fire on the concentric
    Keeping knees pushed out and hard tension on adductors throughout
    225x 11

    Adductor machine
    DB Lying leg curl
    2 rounds 12-10
    2nd round did a single drop set on each
    Both: Pause at stretch and contraction, controlled eccentrics

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3471

    Craig –

    The Particular smith machine I use is unlike most and very much like a free weight bar in that it provides zero assistance or “spring”
    The only thing it provides is a linear plane of motion.
    So fortunately when you un rack it, the pins have no swivel or spring to try and fall back into place.

    In your case, I would just aim to get under it and the bar rolled back into position and “locked in” at the top of your delts and grip in such a way to keep it in place
    If you have a partner they could also assist this

    Also, if your range of motion is in a consistent line and not wobbling and you are controlling through your quads I don’t think you should have much problem

    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3454

    12/26 Back

    Wide Grip Lat Pull down

    Worked up to one heavy(relative) rest pause set 3 attempts totaling around 20ish reps

    Bent over smith machine row

    Set one: “225” x 11

    Set two: “225” x 8

    DB Pullover

    One set: 80 x 12 drop to 50 x 7 stretch partials

    Smith Machine Rack Pulls -REALLY hard contraction entire ROM

    One set: 315 x 9

    Chest supported makeshift incline seal row – elbows flared upper back emphasis pulling to upper rib height using cambered Bench press bar

    One set: Dead stop on floor reps: Bar + two 25’s per side x 11

    Bent over DB Bilateral row

    One double drop set: 100’s, 80’s, 60’s


    Weighted stretch hanging on lat pull down into stretch on weighted cable pullover – 2 rounds ~30 sec each


    in reply to: Michaela Aycock – Process of Transformation 2019 #3449


    Great Christmas morning
    We do not do a traditional Christmas dinner, rather just a gathering at my Grandmothers at noon on Christmas Eve
    And then Christmas morning our immediate family (parents, siblings/in-laws and their kids) do breakfast that my mom and I cook for everyone and then presents
    And then everyone goes their separate ways as they are all married off and have their own kids except me lol
    So my parents just nap the day away and eat cereal at night lol
    We typically go to the movies every year Christmas night but are not this year.

    Anyways enough about my personal life haha
    With all that said, I went to train once everyone had left, to be honest I think I may have been a little shot and possibly affected training a bit from all the kid screaming and chaos, I’m used to being by myself and quiet 24/7 lol all good though

    Chest 12/25

    Flat DB Press
    Had been keeping these in every week
    Initially they improved great each week for a few weeks, then hit a few week span where I was only able to tie reps, so I cycled them out for a few weeks now and wanted to give them a go today
    My best those few weeks that were sticking was 90’s x 6-7
    So I was definitely not pleased with today’s
    But all the strength I had in me for the day apparently
    Set 1: 90’s x 4 controlled, pause at chest, hard contraction
    Set 2: 80’s x 7 aiming to be as explosive on the concentric as I could

    Incline plate loaded hammer strength press
    Hard arch on chest, aiming to keep as strong of a contraction as possible throughout entire range
    Set 1: 2pps x 10
    Set 2: 2p + 10ps x 8

    Incline DB Fly
    Again pretty strong arch, really controlled eccentrics, good stretch
    50’s x 9
    40’s x 8

    Pin loaded dip
    Seated cable fly
    2 rounds 15-12 each

    Seated DB curl
    4 sets increasing weight 15-10 reps

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