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Michaela AycockMember
Wednesday 6/12/19
Wide grip pull down
Hard contractions, controlled eccentric, slight pause at stretch still maintaining tension, explosive under control concentric
1 max rest pause setBarbell row
Slight pause at stretch maintaining tension and keeping lats engaged, explosive under control concentric, keep strong connection through eccentric
245 x 7
225 x 8 slightly slower tempo through eccentric and contractionSingle arm DB row
Pause at stretch, engage lats hard, explosive under control concentric, strong connection with lats and mid back, control eccentric
120 x 9
100 x 8 slower tempo through pausing at contraction and maintaining as strong of connection through eccentric as possibleEz bar cable pullover
Controlled tempo, maintain strong connection throughout, slight pause at stretch and contraction
1 max rest pause setDB high row on incline bench
Elbows out – slight pause at stretch and contraction, explosive under control concentric, controlled eccentric
70’s x 8
Dropped to 40’s and slid down on bench and did mid back rows with hard hard contractionMachine preacher curl
1 max rest pause setDB hammer curl
1 max straight setMichaela AycockMemberTuesday 6/11/19
Abs: 3 sets rope crunches, 3 sets hanging leg raises, 2 sets Ab wheel roll outs, traditional plank and side plank 1 set each
Not a lot of time today but got it in!
Incline plate loaded press
1 max straight set
1 max rest pause setFlat plate loaded press
1 max dead stop reps straight setCable fly into dips
2 max roundsV bar press down
Back facing stack
Build up sets of 12 to 1 max setSingle arm overhead DB ext
Build up sets of 8 to 1 max setMachine extension
1 max rest pause setMichaela AycockMemberMonday 6/10/19
Warm up leg ext & leg curl
Hack squat
Warm ups 1pps at a time 10-3 reps
6 plates one side 5 plates one side x 10
(2 better than last week)
5 pps x pause in hole x 12
(1 better than last week)Leg ext
1 max straight set – slow controlled paused at stretch and contraction
1 max reduced weight straight set – piston style repsSingle leg hammer strength horizontal press
3 plates x 7
2 plates x 12Front facing body master power squat
Sets of 6 adding 1 plate at a time to one max set
5 total plates x 8Smith machine split squat
Nothing crazy here
Extra glute emphasis work
2 sets 15-12 repsMichaela AycockMemberSaturday 6/8/19
Abs: hanging leg raises 4 sets, planks 2 sets, side planks 2 setsSeated DB press
(If I remember correctly)
75’s x 5
70’s x 7DB lateral raise
Build up sets to
1 max straight set
1 max double drop setRear delt fly
2 max straight setsSingle arm tricep press down
Build up sets of 10 to one max setEz bar skull crushers
1 max straight setClose grip press
1 max straight setPreacher curl
1 max rest pause setDB hammer curl
1 max straight set
1 max double drop setMichaela AycockMemberFriday 6/7/19
Weight: 128.6 new lowHams
Lying leg curl
Dead stop reps but maintaining maximum tension throughout, hard contraction, controlled eccentric, explosive under control concentric
1 max rest pause set
1 reduced weight straight setCybex squat press
Controlled eccentric, slight pause in hole, explosive under control concentric, no full lockout. Maintain maximum tension on hams and adductors through entire ROM
Build up sets
10 pps x 12DB RDL
Remember think hips back and forward, not weight up and down
I want my hams to feel a stretch and connection just like I would with a leg curl
Controlled tempo maintaining maximum tension through entire ROM
125’s x 8
100’s x staying more on the bottom end of ROM x 12Adductor
Hard contraction, controlled eccentric, pause at stretch, controlled explosive concentric
Build up sets to 1 max rest pause setAbductor
1 straight setSeated leg curl
Hard hard contraction, controlled eccentric, explosive under control concentric
1 double drop setMichaela AycockMemberWednesday 6/5/19
Wide grip pull down
1 max rest pause setBarbell row
225×6Single arm DB row
120x 9
100x slower tempo x 10Ez bar cable pull over
1 max rest pause setDB high row on incline bench
70’s x 7
Straight into drop to 40’s and do mid back rows hard contractionWeighted stretch
Machine preacher curl
1 max rest pause setDB hammer curl
1 max straight setMichaela AycockMemberTuesday 6/4/19
Flat DB Press
90’s x 5
80’s x paused reps x 8Inline hammer strength press
1 max rest pause setIncline DB fly
1 max straight setPin loaded flat press
1 max double drop setSeated cable fly
1 max straight setSeated lateral raise machine
1 max straight setTricep V bar cable press down into bent over extension
1 max straight setSingle arm DB overhead ext
1 max straight setMichaela AycockMemberMonday 6/3/19
Hack squat
6 plates one side, 5 plates other side x 8
5 pps x paused reps x 11 failed on way up of 12thLeg ext
Build up sets to
1 max rest pause set
1 straight set plus partialsHammer strength plate loaded horizontal leg press – single leg
1 max set
1 reduced weight max setPower squat – front facing
Sets of 6 adding 1 plate at a time until reaching a max set of 8 repsBody master linear squat
Can’t hit good depth on this but it’s a great outer quad sweep pump to finish
1 all out high rep setMichaela AycockMemberSaturday 6/1/19
Weight: 130.8
Cardio: none
Abs: 3 sets hanging leg raises, 2 sets Ab wheel roll outs, 1 set ball crunch into plank
Repeat Friday’s dietDelts
Smith press
“190” x rest pause 6,3,1 + fight eccentricSingle arm DB press
70 x 6DB lateral raises
30’s x 12-10ish
20’s x slight pause each rep at contraction + bottom partials once full reps failCable rear delt fly
2 max straight setsTricep press down
Build up sets to 1 max setTricep ext machine
Build up sets to 1 max setMachine preacher curl
Build up sets to 1 max setStanding calf raise machine
1 max rest pause set
1 straight setMichaela AycockMemberThursday 5/30/19
Weight: 130.6
Cardio: none
Abs: 4 sets hanging leg raises
No training
Base dietFriday 5/31/19
Weight: 129 new low
No cardio
High day diet + 150g additional carbs added via 30g meals 1-5Hams
Lying leg curl
1 max rest pause setCybex squat press
8 pps x rest pause set 15, 7, 4 (or something close to that)
10 pps x 10
Last week I moved on after 1 rest pause set, but was in a good groove and wanted to increase weight as I felt I safely couldDB RDL
125’s x 6 + eccentric
100’s x 10 stayed lower stretch emphasisAdductor machine
1 max rest pause set
Abductor 1 max straight setSeated single leg curl
1 setMichaela AycockMemberWednesday 5/29/19
Weight: 130.4
No cardio
Base dietWide grip pull down
1 max rest pause setT bar row – neutral grip larger triangle handle
7 25’s x 7Single arm DB row
120 x 8
100 x dead stop (can’t remember rep count)Ez bar cable pull over
1 max rest pause setDB high row on incline bench
70’s x I think it was 9ish repsReverse grip pull up
2 max straight sets + extended stretchStanding calf raise
1 max rest pause set
1 max straight setMichaela AycockMemberTuesday 5/28/19
Weight: 131.6
Cardio: none
Abs: 2 sets hanging leg raises, 2 sets hanging knee raises, 2 sets Ab wheel roll outs
Base dietChest
Flat DB press
90’s x 5 (or 6 if you count the initial rep lol)
80’s paused reps x 8Incline hammer press
2 p + 25 ps x 5
2 pps paused reps x can’t remember sorryIncline DB fly
2 max straight setsSeated cable fly into body weight dips
1 max roundPin loaded dip for tris
1 max rest pause setCable overhead ext
2 max straight setsMichaela AycockMemberSunday 5/25/19
Weight: 129.6-130
No cardio No training
Repeat Sat diet of high day + new increaseMonday 5/26/19
Weight: 130
No cardio
Repeat above diet againQuads:
Hack squat
5 pps + 25 x 9 (beating last weeks by 25lbs and 1 rep)
5 pps slight pause in hole x 9 (beating last weeks first set by 1 rep plus the difficulty of the pause, and 2nd set by 3 reps)Leg ext
1 max straight set x 12ish
1 max rest pause set aiming for 12-15ish totalSingle leg pendulum press
This is the old hammer strength model that is a different angle than the usual hammer strength plate loaded press you see and this one is WAY heavier
1 max set 15 reps
1 max set 6 reps increased weightPower squat – front squat
3 pps x 6
2 pps x paused reps in hole x max rest pause setMichaela AycockMemberSteve & Daniel, thank you both very much!
Michaela AycockMemberSaturday 5/25/19
Weight: 130.6
Cardio: none
Abs: 4 sets hanging leg raises
StretchingHigh day diet plus an additional 100g carbs via added 20g to meals 1-5
If you’re new here, I can assure you this is a whole new world for me prep wise in regards to the cardio and diet lol trust me I am usually polar opposite
Still 10 weeks left and anything can change or happen along the way, but so far so good!Delts
Seated DB press
70’s x 9Seated smith press
185 x rest pause set 6,3,1 + fight eccentricStanding DB lateral raise
30’s x 10ish plus partials
20’s x can’t rememberPec dec rear delt fly
Sets of 10-12 increasing weight until reaching
1 max set
1 double drop setCluster set
– Standing cable upright row
– Standing cable front raise
2 rounds 12-10 reps each movementStanding calf raise
2 max rest pause sets -