Matt JansenMatt Jansen

June 19, 2018 (Tuesday)

Weight: 231.2
*** I am doing a high day today.

Cardio: NA

Training: Legs

(slow eccentric on all reps / full pause at bottom on all following work)

– Single Leg Leg Extension worked up to max set where I could not get a full contraction with slow eccentrics.

– Seated Hack Squat – Worked up to a max set at 4 pps

– Hack Squat – Worked up to a max set at 3 pps

– Reverse Hammer V squat INTO Single Leg Leg Extension x 10 each 3 rounds

3 – RPG caps at each carb meal for high day


3g of Natural Calm Prior post workout and prior to bed



Meal 1
120g COR
20g PB
7oz Chicken
1.5 scoop Greens shake / 10g glutamine / 10g fiber


Meal 2
350g Jasmine Rice
8oz Tilapia Cooked
50g Peas
65g Avocado


Pre Workout
20g Nitrox
5g Creatine
2g Pink Salt
5g Citrulline
10g EAA

10g EAA
5g Natural Calm

Meal 3 – Post Workout
110g Cream of Rice
20g Honey
100g Strawberries
20g Almond Butter
65g Whey Isolate

Meal 4
350g Jasmine Rice
8oz Tilapia Cooked
50g Peas
65g Avocado

Prior to meal 5
Green Shake with Metagenics digestive powder

Meal 5
2 Food for life Tortilla (50g carbs)
180g Jasmine Rice
7oz Flank
Onions and peppers

Natural Calm prior to meal 6

Meal 6
100g Cream of Rice
20g Honey
100g Strawberries
20g Almond Butter
65g Whey Isolate