
Monday 4/8/19

No cardio

Warm up with hip drills

Barbell front squat
No pr’s today.
275 x 7 dropped 8th on the rack
275 x 7 partner helped guid 5-7 up
225 x 9 paused reps dropped 10th on rack

Cybex squat press
Feet low and shoulder width stance
8pps x max rest pause set piston style reps
7pps x max straight set slower more controlled reps with pause in hole
(Sorry I don’t remember exact reps)

Cluster set
Leg ext
Cybex squat press sissy squat style reps
2 rounds 12ish each

Walking lunges
Holding 25 lb plates in each hand
2 x 24 reps (difficulty but not true failure)
1 all out failure set