With the consistent workouts I am keeping notes from previous week so that you guys can see how / if I progressed. Aiming for either more reps at same weight or increasing reps and matching reps.
SA pressdown
57.5 x 3 (final warm up)
65 x 13 (+3)
SA dB overhead ext
60 x 10 (+2)
Hammer CG press
375 x 10 paused (+1 + 10 lbs)
SA machine NG ext
100 x 12 (-3 + 20 lbs)
Dip machine (stretch set – 5 second loaded stretch before each rep)
Stack x 9.5 – 3.5 – 3 (last week)
Stack x 14 – 5 – 4
Lying cable curl dual handle
27.5 x 13-4-3
DB hammer on preacher
35 x 9 (+1)
Reverse cambered bar curl
80 x 11-4.5-2.5
Last week
DB preacher curl
40 x 10 (full stretch)
DB hammer curl on preacher
35 x 8 (full stretch)
Rope hammer drag curl
50 x 9.5-4.5-3 RP
Standing cable curl SA
20 x 8-4-3