Roman FritzRoman Fritz

13th February 2019

Back + biceps

close neutral grip pullups / pulldowns:

5+x partials / 76,5 x 5 strip to 49,5 x 11

5+x partials / 76,5 x 4 –> 49,5 x  8

switching up grip for a different stimulus. I´m pulling this one right under my sternum where the abs start…


Rope pullovers:

58kg 3 sets of 10 (rest/pause)


Smith machine rows

3 plates per side x 10, 10, 10


dumbell rows one arm

50kg x 11, 8, 7

I´ll try for 55 next time.


Lying incline dumbbell rows

25kg, 3 sets of 10


behind the head pulldowns

65,5 – 3 sets of 10+

loaded hanging DC stretch immediately after!


Giant set x 3:

Seated incline dumbbell curls – 15,5kg x 10 (rest pause)

Front double cable curls 15,5kg x 10 (little cheat)

EZ bar cable – 27,5 x 10

reverse EZ bar cable – 27,5 x 10


Superset of wirst curls and reverse wrist curls till I can´t move my hands anymore…

100 reps cable crunch 27,5kg.