Jan 16 – Legs
The goal for today and last week for that matter has been to link together successful sessions without causing set backs with my legs and what I mean by set backs is having to lesson the weight the next session because of what was done the previous from a pain standpoint. Today went mostly well I am doing a bit of volume training with more timed rests so its not having to be all load dependent.
Single Leg Leg Extension – These were performed Right Leg / Left Leg / RL / LL / RL / LL = 1 set I did two sets like this.
80 lbs x 10/10/8 – Set 1
80lbs x 8 / 8 / 7 – Set 2
Hack squat
5 x 10 @ 4pps – tweaked my left leg on the very last set, up to that point it was going very well
Hammer V Squat Facing Pad – Toes hanging off the front of the block pushing knees forward and hips directly down pausing on the block
– My leg was not 100% here so I did
3pps x 8
4ppx x 8
Then called it a day there.
Adduction Machine
Stack x 10 + 5 stretch partials pausing at full stretch and full / partial contraction
Stack x 8 ” ”
DB Walking Lunges
25lbs x 10 steps keeping body upright placing load on quads (3 sets)