BACK DAY (Yesterday)
Started the day off warming up with some Lat Pulldowns. Did these a little different in pausing at the top for a second before pulling the bar down to my chest. Really wanted to focus on
Pulling more with my lats as opposed to rocking the weight and using arm momentum.
2 Warmup sets of 10 reps. Then 3 heavier working sets of 8 reps.
Underhand Rows:
Really like doing these using the EZ Bar because it’s much earlier on the wrists. Thanks Michaela for this idea!
2 Warmup sets of 10 reps. Then 3 working sets of 8 reps.
Lying Incline DB Rows:
Here, I’m focusing on upper back. I lay face down on and incline bench, my chest is slightly hanging off from the top and rowing up toward my chest to focus on the upper back. This is not a movement you can go super heavy if you are doing them correctly.
1 Warmup set of 8 reps. Then 3 working sets of 8 reps.
T-Bar Rows:
This is my go to move for back thickness. I do at least every other back session.
2 Warmup sets of 8 reps. Then moved to 3 working sets of 8 reps.
This is my finisher pretty much every back day.
3 working sets of 8 reps.