Matt JansenMatt Jansen

Really good session today – felt like I was able to really get the most out of each set and make the last rep extremely hard for the loads I was at.

Started off the session with the horizontal hammer chest press which is something I dont have access to but I enjoy using.

Hammer Flat press – Full contraction and pausing at chest on each rep
5p+25ps x 7

Incline Smith Press – Full contraction and pausing at chest on each rep
3p+25ps x 6

Flat Hammer Press – Full contraction and pausing at chest on each rep
3p+25ps x 6

Dip Machine
Stack x RP set (9+3+2)

Decline DB Fly
70 x 8 reps (trying to pull my elbows together rather than my forearms)

Rope Extension splitting fully on each rep leaning back to keep shoulders out of the movement
50 x 10
60 x 8

Single Arm D handle Pressdown
80 x 10 Max set