28th Dec. 2018
- session: calves + hamstrings
Superset of standing calves and seated calves
5 sets of 10 reps each (heavy!), rest/pause if necessary, going back and forth with as little rest as possible, finish both with a 1 minute loaded DC stretch
Lying leg curls
3 sets of 20 reps total 42,5kg
Too failure with toes pointed, then extend your foot (involves the Gastrocnemius) and keep going till 20 reps are completed (might have to cheat a bit or rest). Increase weight if you are able to do 10 or more reps with toes pointed on the first set of the three.
Vertical leg press
WIDE stance, lower platform as low as possible without blowing out your lower lumbar.
GVT 4 plates per side 10×10
Stiff leg deads on the smith
6×6 using 150kg
supersetted with
lying on the floor dumbbell curls
6-10 reps x 20kg
single standing curls
3 sets each leg to failure. Do not rest in between legs. Just go back and forth till all 6 sets are done. Pick a weight that makes you fail at 10-12 on the first set.
Superset abductor/adductor machine
3 sets each of 20 reps
Stretch deliberately afterwards!