Post Christmas Chest:
Back in the gym after celebrating Christmas with my family.
DB Incline Press:
2 warmup sets of 15 reps. Reason for the high reps was to really warm up my shoulders.
Then did 3 working sets of 8 reps. Didn’t go super heavy with these today. Slight pain in the wrist so decided to cut this short and move to movements that didn’t bother my wrist.
Flat Bench:
Definitely a movement I don’t do often but surely need to!
1 warmup set of 6 reps and then 3 working sets of 6 reps. After my last heavy set, did two drop sets. Wanted to force more blood in.
Incline Machine Press:
1 warmup set of 6 reps and then 3 working sets of 6 reps.
Hex Press:
4 working sets of 8 reps.
Cable Crossovers:
Finished chest with 4 sets of 10 controlled reps with slight pause/squeeze at the bottom.