December 26, 2018 at 8:08 pm
Matt Jansen
Todays Training – Shoulders and Biceps (this session was filmed for the site)
Seated Smith Military Press
315 x 7 Failed on 8th rep
Hammer Press (the older behind head version)
4pps x 4 ( I overshot my strength here needed to do less on this set)
3p + 10ps x 5.5
Seated Lateral Raise
35 x 8
40 x 8
50 x 6 Full Reps then partial reps trough 11 reps
Prone Rear Delt Fly
25 x 8
30 x 8
35 x max set
Cable High to Lower Reverse Fly
25 x max set x 2 sets
Nautilus Shrug Machine
5pps x 8
6pps x 8
Standing Single Arm DB Curl
40 x 7 / 2 RP set alternating sides
35 x 7 / 2 / 1 RP set alternating sides
Drag Curl 21’s
3 sets @ 60 lbs