Roman FritzRoman Fritz

25th Dec. 2018

Had to go ham focused today in order to give my knees a little break.

1. session: calves + legs (ham focus)


Superset of standing calves and seated calves

5 sets of 10 reps each (heavy!), rest/pause if necessary, going back and forth with as little rest as possible, finish both with a 1 minute loaded DC stretch


Seated leg curls (TechnoGym)

3 sets of 20 reps  40kg rest paused


45 degree leg press (Hammer Strength)

9 plates per side 5 sets of 20 (rest /pause) super controlled eccentrics, closer stance for sweep


Regular Deadlifts

5×5 205kg


single led curl (Hammer Strength)

cluster set 5 x 10, 15kg


Add/Abd superset

70kg 3 sets of 20 (no rest in between sets at all)

Finish off  with a DC stretch for quads immediately after the last set. Followed by a lower body stretching routine.