Shaun ClaridaShaun Clarida

Yesterday’s Shoulder Day:

I don’t train Delts usually by themselve but once in a while I feel like changing it up and crushing them!

Rear Delt Flies:
2 Warm-ups for 15 reps and then 3 Working sets of 12.

Dumbbell Side Laterals:
1 Warm-up set of 8 and then 3 Working sets of 8.

Machine Press:
1 Warm-up set of 8 and then 3 working sets of 8. This exercise was one that I used to judge my strength on. I’ve never done more than 3 1/2 plates for 6 reps and here I was able to do 4 plates for 8 reps pretty easily.

Rear Laterals:
4 Working sets of 10’reps.

Front Dumbbell Laterals:
3 sets of 10 reps