
Quick update for you

Sitting at 236 today (about 3 lbs of water loss from the last few days so things are heading in the right direction) I am very motivated and determined to make this my best rebound yet. I am treating this much like prep just with much more energy haha. Today was my most assertive day in the gym thus far start to finish really starting to feel like myself again in the gym and pretty close to if not better than peak strength levels I had during the off season.

I am still fine tuning my diet which once I have perfect I will then re post and then from there it will be tuning as needed based off of progress but for right now I am still in the water clearance / not hindering progress phase but not pushing the food as hard as I can once the water balance is back intact. My only direct fats right now are one red meat meal which is either flat iron steak or ground buffalo from trifecta.