Matt JansenMatt Jansen

Michaela Update: She is sitting low 223’s right now so we are about 5-6 lb away from here LOW LOW from the spring that is if we can even get there so she is in a great spot right now.

High Day instructions (taken on main quad day)
Meals 1 – 6 will be 50g of carbs total per meal – you can very the sources between rice, COR, Rice tortilla, Yukon Potato.

ADD: 5g of fat to EACH MEAL – either 5g from direct oil source or 10g of Nut butter added OR 30g avocado

All other notes and changes below

Fat burners

Yohimbine 12mg upon waking

Fasted supplements

Greens powder

10g glutamine

Pills (AM fasted / 30 min prior to last meal)

NAC – 1200mg

Tudca – 750mg

Maximum milk thistle – 1 cap

Digestion / gda

Ravenous – 1 cap at each meal

Matador – 1 cap at each carb meal

Zinlori 75 – 1 cap prior to meal 1 and 3


Meal one

150g Egg White
80g Chicken
70g Rice cooked
Diced onion

3g omega, 1g Vit C, 200g coq10, 400mg life extension curcumin

Meal two/pre training meal

40 Cream of rice
10g pb powder
30g Whey

20g aminotaur
15g nitrox
2g pink salt

Pink salt

Meal three/post training meal

4oz Chicken
110g Jasmine Rice
Pepper mix

Meal four

4oz Tilapia cooked
100g Yukon Potato cooked

Meal five

5oz 96/4 beef OR Steak
Green beans
3g omega, 1g Vit C

Meal six

5oz tilapia from Whole Foods cooked
75g asparagus cooked


lettuce, kimchi, salsa, mustard, etc

6×45 Min AM
20 min post training on upper body days / off days </div>