December 28, 2018 at 6:48 pm

28th Dec. 2018
2. session: Traps + Delts
Barbell Shrugs
worked up to 2 heavy sets of 180kg x 10, 8 strip down to 140kg x 5 –> 100kg x 8 –> 60kg x 10
Upright cable rows
37,5kg x 3 sets of 12 with a little cheat
behind the neck smith press
80kg x 10, 8, 6 strip to 60kg x 8
side dumbbell raises
GVT 20kg 10 sets of 11
rear delt incline dumbbells 17,5kg
5 sets of minimum 15 (do partials if you can´t get 10 full reps)
superset with
rear delt cables 15kg x 10-12
machine presses
3 sets of 20+ rest paused (this should really be tough. Example: 16+4, 13+5+3, 11+5+4)
DC behind the back stretch immediately after the last set!